
Hi 👋Ellie here, I'm here to assist you 24/7 with over 100 languages.

Want to get in touch?

Call Center

Mon to Fri 9AM – 5:30pm
0800 634 283 (MEGATEL)
09 912 1200

Self online service

MyMegatel allows you to avoid long waits on the queue by letting you sort out tasks online

Real-time Chat

Our AI Chatbot provides 24/7 customer support in over 100 languages.

  • On The Phone

  • Call Center Number

    General & Account Enquiries

    Mon to Fri 9AM – 5:30pm

    Faults and Emergencies

    24 hours, 7 days a week

  • Other Contact Methods

  • Live Chat

    Mon to Fri 9AM - 5PM

    Any non-urgent inquiries can be sent to our email address and we will respond within 24 to 48 hours.

    General Inquiry

    Accounts Inquiry

  • Appointment for office visit

  • Customer Visiting Hours

    Tuesday & Thursday
    9am - 11am | 2pm - 5pm
  • Gas Emergency

  • If you smell gas inside

    • Keep flames and cigarettes away from the area and leave the premise.
    • If it is safe to do so, turn off any gas appliances.
    • If it is safe to do so, turn off the gas valve at the meter.
    • Open all doors and windows.
    • Leave all electrical appliances and/or switches as they are. Turning them off or on could ignite gas.
    • Don’t use your phone (landline or mobile) near the gas leak. Go outside.
    • Call us on 0800 634 283 (MEGATEL). If the smell persists, go outside to a safe place away from the building.

    If you smell gas outside

    • Keep flames, cigarettes, vehicles and electrical equipment (including mobile phones) away from the area.
    • If it is safe to do so, turn off the gas valve at the meter.
    • Leave the area and call us 0800 634 283 (MEGATEL).
  • Electrical Emergency

  • Electric Shock

    • If someone comes in contact with a live electrical source, do not go near them or touch them. If you touch the person, you will also be electrocuted.
    • Switch the power off, either at the source of the power or at the main power switch.
    • If you can’t turn the power off due to the danger of being electrocuted, use an unattached object such as a broom with a dry wooden handle, to push the person away from the source of shock.
    • Immediately phone 111 for an ambulance in the case of an electrocution.
    • Perform first aid procedures such as CPR. If you are not familiar with the first aid procedure, follow the directions given to you by the emergency operator until help arrives.

    Electrical Fire

    • Never tries to put out electrical fire by throwing water. Immediately call the fire department on 111.

    Fallen Electrical Wires

    • Stay away from any fallen electrical wires.
    • Seek for assistance by calling your local electrical supply network company.

    Regional Planned / Unplanned Outages

    Top Energy

    24/7 on 0800 867 363 or
