As an energy and telecommunication’s retailer we understand the essential role electricity, natural gas, broadband and mobile services play in our customers’ lives. We are committed to ensuring you stay safe and connected.
Our Customer Care Policy sets out our service promises to our customers. This Policy acts as a guide to how we operate, care for, and treat customers. Read our Policy below.
Our Policy applies in conjunction with (not instead of) our General Customer Terms and Conditions, along with any Special Terms that may apply to you.
Our Consumer Care Policy is aligned to the Electricity Authority’s, Gas Industry Company’s Consumer Care Guidelines, and the NZ Telecommunications Forum’s Consumer Care Guidelines.
Some helpful links for you
Check out our energy saving tips to help you save energy at home.
Other social agencies include the Citizens Advice Bureau, local Mayoral Fund or Age Concern.
Phone 0800 345 123 or text on 4209
Post: PO Box 5875, Wellington 6145
Post: Freepost 214075, PO Box 5573, Wellington 6140